Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Walmart Fashion Sense #2

It looks like a black hole sucking in everything around it.

Not at any time of day, any day, any week, any month, or any year, 
has this outfit ever been a good idea. 

I like skulls. I like wearing skulls. I like killing animals and gluing their 
skulls onto my hats. Ill probably never get laid.

Looks like someone needs a little sensitivity training.


Amusing Bunni said...

They are funny, as usual. I might need it in a smaller size, and I'd wear the wording on the front.....
but I seriously have to buy that last black shirt with the wording and wear it next time I go to the hell hole!

That would get me out of there right on schedule...hee hee. Speaking of which, I'm home sick today and tomorrow. What great timing, with the worse blizzard in the area in 30 years! Yeah....global warming.
Tell that to my polar bears that you will like over at my place!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I saw Glen Beck last night. Now I have to get over to your place to see what you've done.

We just had the coldest storm I can remember in the longest time. It dumped 2 1/2 feet of global warming and this morning it's 4 below ZERO.

Amusing Bunni said...

Zero should be SIX FEET BELOW....hee hee..

Oh no, are those black helicopters I hear in the distance?

innominatus said...

It is amazing how few of these walmarters have a clearly distinguishable gender.

Anonymous said...

That last black shirt is a GodSmack shirt, if Bunni really wants it it's prolly on their site.
That first (guy?) is the most disgusting thing I've seen all day.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

innoway, I've noticed that myself.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Freakster, I think it's a (Woman?).

surveygirl46 said...

1. That isn't a black hole - THAT's the reason that the 60's abrubptly came to a halt
2. She shredded a feather boa in a walmart cheese grater
3. He's too embarrassed to admit it's not a fashion statement but the result of whitelightening, some Elmers glue and an office depot giant stapler
4. We feel the same way about you...only we wear it so we can face you when we flip you off...

That was all in Walmart? No wonder they're called the LLLLLoooooow price leader...lol

Opus #6 said...

Maybe the lady in the bottom photo does not understand the language. That is the only reason I can think for wearing a shirt like that.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

SG46, Thanks for the item by item critique. I have a few more days of these. I would love your help.

I think you're right about #4, But I think she has it on backwards. If she turned it around, she could kick your ass after she saw your reaction.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Bunni, they're coming for you ...