Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Husband of the Year Awards

The honorable mention goes to :

The United Kingdom

...followed closely by The United States of America

and then ............... Poland

but 3rd Place must go to ........ Greece

it was very very close but the runner up
prize was awarded to....
............. Serbia

but the winner of the husband/partner of
the year
is ....... Ireland
Ya gotta love the Irish.

The Irish are true romantics.
Look, he's even holding her hand

Woman has Man in it;

Mrs. has Mr. in it;

Female has Male in it;

She has He in it;

Madam has Adam in it;

Okay, Okay,
it all makes sense now....

Ever notice how all of women's
problems start with MEN?

MEN tal illness

MEN strual cramps

MEN tal breakdown

MEN opause

GUY necologist


When we have REAL trouble, it's a

HIS terectomy .


Opus #6 said...

Making me laugh again, Woody!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

That's my job Ma Lady